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Well….its been about 7 months since my first and last blog entry. Needless to say I have a lot of catching up to do. Since October 26th, I ran a half marathon, and packed up my life and moved to Seattle, WA. What?! Crazy, I know. I’d been wanting to move there for a few years and out of the blue an opportunity presented itself and after a little resistance, I went for it. I miss my friends back in Arizona a lot, but that’s about it. So here I am living on First Hill. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Seattle, its right next to Capital Hill and walking distance to EVERYWHERE you would want to go. In order to be able to afford living in Downtown Seattle, I sold my car before I left Arizona. Who knew living without a car would so great. I don’t have to worry about a car payment, gas, maintenance, insurance, etc. So now am becoming accustom to walking everywhere, including to the grocery store. So far so good (talk to me again in the winter when it’s freezing here). The Starbucks that I transferred to is only a short 10 minute walk away as well. Westlake Center, the location that I am at now is apparently the second or third busiest location in Seattle. Needless to say it has been a slight adjustment to the tiny neighborhood location that I was used to in Chandler. Hey, at least my shifts fly by and the partners are pretty nice.

This is my third week here and I absolutely love it! I’ve been to Pike’s Place Market several times already, Volunteer Park, and the exploring continues. I plan on trying new local places everyday. I’ll put some pictures up and report back here to give ya my opinion…complete with pictures.


Happy Wednesday! So today is one of my favorite human’s 21st birthday. That’s a pretty big deal. Since Mona was working today, Ari and I decided to stop in and suprise her with some donuts. Last week, on our long run (6 mi), we ran past Bosa Donuts on Southern and McClintock. The amazing smell of the place stopped us in our tracks. OMG. Now one of my partners had told me that Bosa Donuts were the best donuts that she had ever had. Not gonna lie, she had descibed the place as being pretty ghetto so I never really made any effort to check them out. Well this place sure put me in my place. 


This place had so many different varieties of donuts that we didn’t even know where to start. I usually have  a hard time selecting a dozen donuts, but this time I wanted to try them ALL! Good thing we started the morning with a run because after all was said and done we pretty much ate the whole box (give or take a few other friends having a bite here or there)



Delicious! I highly recommend it. Well, off to a not so eventful rest of the day working on homework for my Introduction to Terrorism and Applied Business Law classes.